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Privacy Policy

At Swami Shri Gurukul, we recognize the sanctity of your personal information and are committed to protecting your privacy. This privacy policy outlines how we collect, use, and safeguard the data you provide to us.

Information Collection and Use
When you interact with our website, make an inquiry, or request a consultation, we may collect certain personal information from you, such as your name, email address, phone number, and any other details you choose to share. This information is used solely to respond to your inquiries, schedule consultations, and provide you with the services and information you have requested.

We do not share, sell, or distribute your personal data to any third parties without your explicit consent. Your information is held in the strictest confidence and is used only for the purposes of facilitating your engagement with Swami Shri Gurukul.

Data Security
We employ industry-standard security measures to protect your personal data from unauthorized access, misuse, or disclosure. Your information is stored on secure servers and accessed only by authorized personnel who are bound by confidentiality agreements.

Your Rights
You have the right to access, update, or delete the personal information we have on file for you. If you wish to exercise any of these rights, or if you have any questions or concerns about our privacy practices, please contact us at

We are committed to respecting your privacy and maintaining the trust you have placed in Swami Shri Gurukul. By using our website or services, you acknowledge and agree to the terms of this privacy policy.