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Self-realization is the profound process of understanding oneself, one's true nature, and purpose in life. It goes beyond mere self-awareness or introspection; it involves a deep exploration of one's identity, beliefs, values, and potentials.

At its core, self-realization is about discovering the essence of who you really are, beyond the roles you play or the masks you wear in society. It often requires introspection and reflection, questioning assumptions, and examining experiences that have shaped your worldview.

Self-realization is a journey that varies for each person. For some, it may come through moments of clarity or insight, while for others, it unfolds gradually over time through life experiences, relationships, and personal growth. It is not a destination but a continuous process of learning and evolving.

In essence, self-realization is a transformative journey of discovering and embracing the truest aspects of oneself. It empowers individuals to live authentically, cultivate meaningful relationships, and contribute positively to the world around them. It is a lifelong pursuit that enriches personal fulfillment and contributes to a more conscious and compassionate society.