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Pooja for Planets (ग्रह)

Swami Shri Gurukul

Central to our Pooja for Planets process is the understanding that each planet exerts a unique influence on our lives, affecting various aspects such as health, relationships, career, and spiritual growth. Through this ritual, we harness the positive energies of the planets while mitigating their negative effects, fostering harmony and well-being. Whether you are seeking to enhance the positive influences of a benefic planet or alleviate the challenges posed by a malefic one, our Pooja for Planets process provides a sacred framework for spiritual healing and alignment.

Quantity :
Rs. 1.00

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Device White Black Red Green
Chair 14-14.5 15-15.5 16-16.5 17-17.5
Moniter 14-14.5 15-15.5 16-16.5 17-17.5
Keycaps 14-14.5 15-15.5 16-16.5 17-17.5
CPU 14-14.5 15-15.5 16-16.5 17-17.5
Mouse 14-14.5 15-15.5 16-16.5 17-17.5